History of Rich Hill

Rich Hill in Charles County, Maryland is an important site in the history of the United States.

Rich Hill was the birthplace and childhood home of Margaret Brown and her brother Gustavus Brown. Margaret Brown grew up to marry Thomas Stone, one of our founding fathers and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Dr. Gustavus Brown went on to be one of President George Washington’s physicians and tended to the “Father of our Country” on his deathbed.

Death of Washington w Dr Gustavus Brown

In 1865, Abraham Lincoln’s assassin, John Wilkes Booth, and his accomplice, David Herold, sought food and shelter at Rich Hill after they left the home of Dr. Samuel Mudd. Booth and Herold were given a meal at Rich Hill and were further assisted by the owner, Samuel Cox, who ordered his foster brother, Thomas Jones, to care for the fugitives as they hid in a nearby pine thicket. Rich Hill plays an important role in the escape and manhunt of Lincoln’s assassin.

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John Wilkes Booth, Rich Hill’s infamous visitor

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For a more detailed look at Rich Hill and the historic people who made their home there, please read The History of Rich Hill on our Blog!